Friday, May 17, 2013

Mozen – Responsive Zencart Template

Mozen – Responsive Zencart Template - Zen Cart eCommerce

Mozen is responsive Zencart template packaged with quick starter sample data and responsive theme. It is fully responsive template, has Eight color variations in style, Mobile optimized Zencart product pages and cart, more then 20 Module positions and mobile optimized slideshow & menu.

Mozen is built using solid grid system and Bootstrap framework. It’s suitable for Retail, Shopping and E-commerce related websites.

Compatibility: Mozen is compatible with Zencart 1.3.9 and 1.5.x

Works with Mobiles, tablets and desktops

Zencart iphone theme

Responsive slideshow with Price animation

Responsive slideshow with zencart

Responsive menu

zencart responsive menu - Mozen

Featured and Special products

Features products in mozen


Mailchimp newsletter with zencart

Eight Color variation

Multicolor zencart template

Multiple admin options

Multiple admin options zencart template

Cloud Zoom – Product images

Multiple admin options zencart template

Quick start package with sample data

quick start - zencart for mobiles

Layered PSD

PSD for responsive zencart theme

Social icons

Mailchimp newsletter with zencart

Built in Twitter Module

Twitter with mobile ready zencart template

Default currency converter

Currancy converter with mozen

Google webfonts

Google fonts with zencart template


Mozen Features:

  • Responsive HTML5 Zencart template

  • Solid grid system and Bootstrap framework

  • Eight background colors and combinations!

  • 20 Module positions and Variations

  • Mobile optimized slideshow and Menu

  • Default Mozen pages and sideboxes support.

  • Store section

  • Brand section

  • Product TAB section

  • Checkout and shipping pages

  • Information Pages

  • Shortcodes to style content

  • Google Fonts support

  • Currency convertor

  • Quick install

  • Layered PSD file

  • 960px grid system

  • Social media support

  • Built-in twitter feature



  • PT-Sans

  • Oswald








Update History

  • 28.03.2013

    -Fixed responsive layout issue for devices having resolution in range of 900px-1000px.

    -Category list in left column for product detail page.

  • 20.03.2013

    -Fixed admin option for color selection.

  • 06.03.2013

    -Added cloud zoom options on product details page.
    -Added admin option for Changing contact details.
    -Admin option for changing Logo.
    -Admin option for changing Phone number.

  • 06.02.2013

    -Enabled multiple product purchase on New, Featured and All Products Listing pages.
    -Added menu links for New, Featured and All Products Listing on Category Sidebox.
    -CSS support for all default Sideboxes of Zencart.
    -Display number of products in a category in menu item.

    -Product image size can now be changed from backend.
    -Image changed for Next-Previous arrow in product detail page.

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